
Australia & Canada Immigration Newsletter – For The Month Of September 2021 By CareersGiant



1# “The international border will reopen next month for states

that have reached 80 per cent vaccination rates.” PM Scott

Morrison said <Read more>

2# The 2020-21 Migration Program has delivered

160,052 places <Read more>

3# Last update on visa applications processing times

(17 September 2021) <Read more>

4# South Australian State Nomination.70 new occupations will

be open to applicants currently residing offshore from

Tuesday 28 September 2021.<Read more>

5# Marketing Specialist has been SUSPENDED in RDA Riverina (NSW 491) <Read more>

6# Australia issuing vaccine passports within weeks to prepare

for flights resuming <Read more>

7# Processing times for Partner visa applications can vary

depending on the specific circumstances of

each case <Read more>



1# Manitoba invited 602 candidates, including 101 Express Entry candidates <Read more>

2# Saskatchewan invited 528 candidates from the

Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand streams <Read more>

3# Alberta invited 450 Express Entry candidates with

CRS scores as low as 300 <Read more>

4# Ontario invited 995 candidates through the Employer Job

 Offer: Foreign Worker and International Student streams <Read more>

5# Ontario invited 72 candidates through the Employer Job

Offer: In-Demand Skills stream <Read more>

6# September 27: Manitoba invited 650 candidates, including

135 Express Entry candidates, to apply to the MPNP through

three MPNP streams <Read more>

7# September 27: Saskatchewan invited 391 candidates from the

 Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand streams of the

 SINP. <Read more>

8# September 28: British Columbia invited 422

candidates to apply to the BC PNP through a

variety of streams <Read more>