
Please Note: Ethical Standards And Plagiarism – Engineers Australia…

Ethical Standards

Information you provide to Engineers Australia may be used for data matching with Australian Government agencies. Engineers Australia reserves the right to use software applications to screen your submitted work for matches either to published sources or to other submitted applications. Misleading and false information is viewed as a major breach of ethical behaviour. We refer applicants to the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, in particular the demonstration of integrity, available here. Please also refer to Section C and Section D for further details regarding plagiarism, fraudulent documents and ethical behaviour. The sanctions regarding misleading applications include notification to the Department of Home Affairs and up to 12 months ban from applying for a skills assessment with Engineers Australia.


Career Episodes must be based on work conducted personally by you and must be written entirely in your own words. Presenting work conducted by others as your own and/or using other people’s words (templates, Career Episodes, online sources etc.) is considered plagiarism and is a violation of Engineers Australia’s code of ethics. This carries significant penalties including the rejection of the application, imposition of a 12-month ban and/or reporting of your details to the Department of Home Affairs for further investigation and action. Please Note: It is not sufficient to merely describe work in which you were involved. Career Episodes must be written in the first person singular clearly indicating your own personal role in the work described. Remember, it is what I did, not what we did or what ‘I was involved in’ and describe how you did it.


Having your Career Episodes written by another person or persons constitutes unethical behaviour and will result in serious consequences including but not limited to:

1) Immediate rejection of the application along with the imposition of a 12-month ban

2) Mandatory reporting of the applicant’s details to the Department of Home Affairs
